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For Community

We work with Business Incubators, Chambers of Commerce, Progress Associations and Not for Profit organisations across Australia to empower and up-skill businesses, organisations and individuals in their communities to achieve growth and success by winning awards.

Awards Absolute provides an array of services to community organisations to suit different circumstances and budgets.

Self Paced ONLINE SUBMISSION WRITING COURSE - This course is ideal for people who wish to improve all aspects of their submission writing in a cost effective manner. This is a great professional development tool for community leaders who wish to be able to assist their organisation or members while gaining some personal professional development credits. The learnings from this course will also improve success with all future grant submissions. Community groups are also able to bulk purchase access to this online course enabling their members to gain free or reduced-fee access. Contact us to discuss group discounts for your members.

SUBMISSION  WRITING WORKSHOPS - A one-day flash training course held in your preferred location that will lead to the businesses in your town winning more awards. This step-by-step "blueprint" is the only course in Australia crafted specifically to teach entrants how to write winning nominations, create awards videos, and host successful judges' site visits. Suitable for up to 30 participants. Submission writing workshops held in a provided venue along the planned route at the scheduled time will enjoy a 50% discount off the standard workshop fee together with no travel or accommodation costs.

AWARDS MENTORING - One of our highly-experienced specialists will work with your chosen business champion(s) through a combination of one-to-one sessions and online exercises. The mentoree(s) will learn to identify essential data and resources to win awards, and develop interpretation, storytelling and writing skills to put them in the winning position. Click here to schedule a no obligation 15 minute phone consultation to allow you to discuss the merits of your chosen business champion with us. 

ACTIVATE REGIONAL AUSTRALIA - Awards Absolute is committed to ensuring that no matter where you are located in Australia, your community and members have access to specialist information and services that will place them on an equal playing field when it comes to entering excellence awards.  Accessing our services while we are in your region is extremely cost effective.

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© Copyright 2020
Awards Absolute Pty Ltd

ABN: 73 414 963 487 

Proud members of:

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PO Box 838, Coolum Beach, QLD, Australia 4573

Australia : 07 5446 4299

 International : +61 7 5446 4299

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